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our house

Recently, a song by Crosby Stills Nash and Young called "Madness' Our House" has been used in advertisements for construction loans. It is a nice song from the 1980s. There was also a TV show called "Our House", but it was originally called "Full House" so it is not related to this song.


our house

How I Met Your Mother" is the song that made you feel joyful when you heard it at the end of Season 5 Episode 20.


our house

The song is very sweet and innocent. Cats are playing in the garden of a house with a fireplace and the smell of cookies in the air. It is a peaceful and calming song that was featured in the show "How I Met Your Mother" when a wall was being taken down. It is a song that can make you feel happy and relaxed.


our house

I heard a song for the first time and it made me think of a new store called Bauhaus that had just opened near a store called Carrefour in Istanbul. I thought it was an advertisement, but it turned out to be a song. We are learning English again, but it would have been nice if it was an advertisement for Bauhaus being in the middle of our street.


our house

When I look at you, I see Polaris, the North Star. This is what sailors used to use to find their way home. You are like my North Star, helping me find my way home.


our house

Our home is really nice and we have two cats in the backyard.

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